Monday, August 10, 2009


It's been in the 90's here. Very hot. I'm not a big fan of hot. I'm not a big fan of cold either; I prefer a Mediterranean climate. But, I digress.

It's been very hot here. Normally, that would keep me holed up in my air-conditioned house; but, work has slacked off for Big Daddy after six long weeks of working double shifts and going out of state for jobs. So, he was itching to get outside with the cherubs and their new bikes. Bean has been riding for a few weeks now.

She did very well. She did panic a bit on some downslopes, and she took a few spills; but, she always got right back on that horse like the little trooper that she is. We even had the appearance of *gasp* blood, bit she shook it off and tackled those little slopes before Big Daddy and I were too sweaty to go on.

Cakes is new to the bike scene. She's done the whole tricycle thing, but a two-wheeler is a whole new animal. She spent the first hour or so trying to pedal backwards. But, she eventually got the hang of things and was riding around like a pro by the end of our outing.

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