Big Daddy was heading out to pick up Aunt Tracy and Uncle Matt for Sunday dinner with us. On his way to the truck, he found an enormous, dead dragonfly, completely intact. After sneaking up behind me and nearly giving me a coronary by placing said enormous dragonfly on my shoulder, he took it to the girls to show them.
Bean was immediately impressed. I tried not to act squeamish as she paraded around the house, holding it by the tail. She held it out to all the dogs, so they could get a good sniff, and then she passed the fascinating carcass on to Cakes. Who, to my horror, proceeded to gleefully dismember said enormous dragonfly in the middle of the living room.
My husband, Ted, loves the Bathroom Reader books!
While that is mildly GROSS, it's also cool that she got a chance to examine one so closely.
Perhaps you have a budding entomologist on your hands!
We love dragonflies around here. My oldest used to catch flies and tear off their wings while they were still alive so they couldn't fly away from her! Kids, they crack you up don't they:)
My kids would have done the same thing!
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