Wednesday, August 13, 2008


This is the YouTube video that I have been fortunate enough to watch with my cherubs about 5,000 times a day.

The girls absolutely love this song, and spend a great deal of time acting out Kristen Chenoweth's role (and fighting about who gets to act out Kristen Chenoweth's role), and singing the song at the tops of their lungs. Once I find the battery charger for my video camera, I'll record them singing it and post it here on the blog. It's hilarious!

But, I digress. Today, Bean was outside helping Grampy wash his car. So, Cakes and I were sitting in the kitchen watching "Popular" on YouTube once again, and Cakes was really getting into the song. She was singing loudly and swaying with the music. Then, I had one of those moments that send my heart into palpitations. Cadence swayed a little too enthusiastically. I watched in slow motion as she leaned farther and farther back, and finally tumbled backwards off the stool, landing square on her head. Not having been blessed with very good reflexes, she was already on the floor by the time I reached her from my perch two feet away.

I scooped up my screaming baby and held her, rubbing her head and asking if it was scary and if she got hurt. Through her screams, I clearly heard her say, "I ... want ... to ... watch ... Popular!" Apparently, she had recovered.


Muthering Heights said...

That is so funny! Sometimes I think their little heads are practically indestructible

Kara said...

oh, and doesn't relief just wash all over you when there is no blood and they bounce back so quick...I'll have to show the girls the video, or maybe I shouldn't:)

Holly said...

That's too funny, I'm so glad she wasn't hurt badly! I'll have to watch the video tomorrow with the little flower, she'll love it:)

D... said...

Whew! I'm glad she's ok. I imagine your heart stopped for that brief moment in time.

My daughter loves that song too! Pop-u-lar I

Life in the Crazy Lane said...

Unfortunately, they've banged their heads enough so that I know how to check for concussions, etc. Ha ha! Good thing God makes 'em so tough when they start out!

Kat said...

Yay for theatrical girls!!! I can't wait to see their video. :)

Tanya said...

One of Rick's cousins (the theatre major) knows Kristen Chenoweth (sp?) so she gave us each KC's solo album for Christmas two years ago. She's got some nice worship songs on there.

Texasholly said...

haha. My boys are obsessed with the "How to" YouTube video that cover the very important topic of the 10 levels (worlds) of Super Monkey Ball on the Wii. Yes, there are about 100 YouTube videos about this riveting subject. And. I. have. seen. them. all. a. lot.

I am actually a little jealous of you because...I like that song too (in moderation)!