Big Daddy is a suburbanite. He married into a family that is half suburban, and half rural. The rural side is involved in farming, hunting, fishing, all that nature stuff. They live off the land, butchering their own meat, growing their own veggies, etc. And every time a grandkid turns 12, they have the option of getting their own rifle for Christmas so they can begin hunting (I opted for a nice set of PJ's for Christmas when I turned 12). Hunting is a tradition on that side of the family, and each hunting season provides meat for the families for at least a year. I remember one Thanksgiving when the menu included wild turkey, wild goose, venison, and bear. But, I digress ...
Big Daddy has always been somewhat enamored with the simple life of farming, hunting, and such. So, shortly after we were married, Big Daddy decided that he wanted to try his hand at hunting with Grampy.
Grampy accompanied Big Daddy to all the hunter safety courses, and helped Big Daddy apply for his license. Then, Big Daddy and Grampy headed out into the woods on Irwin the Great's property for the first day of Deer Season. They had their buck licenses which, of course, meant that all they saw that day were doe. They were a little disappointed to finish the day empty-handed, but they had a great time of male bonding (involving complete silence, freezing temperatures, a tree stand, and bucket that acted as a restroom - not my idea of a good time, but hey).
So, the next morning, Grampy and Big Daddy packed up the car, and began the four-hour ride home. They had gone about ten miles when they saw a deer run across the road and get hit in the head by an oncoming tractor trailer. Well, the first words out of Grampy's mouth were, "It got hit in the head! The meat's still good!"
They quickly turned the car around, drove up to the deer, tagged its antler with the hunting tag (have to keep it legal, you know), and tossed the fresh carcass into the back of Big Daddy's Bronco. They raced back to Irwin the Great's farm, where they ... um ...
processed the deer (I'll spare you the gorey details). Irwin the Great butchered and packaged the venison, and Big Daddy brought home his first (road)kill. Which I didn't eat. Venison ... ew.